Thursday, January 13, 2011


I consider myself a somewhat positive person.  I laugh and sometimes I even giggle.  I want to enjoy life...I want to live.  There were times in my life when I was so afraid of things that I didn't really experience life.

I also try to find the reasons why I can do something instead of dwelling on why I can not do it!

This morning I was listening to a radio station on my way to work and the DJs were talking about being happy.  This radio station has a husband and wife dj team.  The husband was talking about how his wife was always so happy.  The wife of the team commented that happiness is a choice and she chose to be happy and not waste her time wallowing in being miserable, unhappy or making others aound her unhappy.

My only regret is that I arrived at the office too soon and I could not hear the rest of the discusson.  Lucky for me I found the remainder of the conversation on the KVIL website:

My choice?  Happiness!

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