Saturday, September 12, 2015


(Melody Beattie)

 I am thankful each and every day...grateful for the many blessings and gifts in my life.  This is not to say that I do not have a bad day from time to time...but I find that the more grateful I am and I consciously recognize and realize gratitude each and every day I find myself in a much better position of handling those little bumps in the road from time to time.

Each day I start my morning with a list of 3 things that I am grateful for and I end each with gratitude for the happenings of the day.  Some days it is much easier to be grateful than others but as long as I look for the good things in life I find myself experiencing more and more to be grateful for.

I would like to challenge you to find something to be grateful for today!

As funny as this sounds...I sometimes even mutter my gratitude for making a green light at that especially long light!  See - even the smallest gifts in life...even a green light is a gift!

(source unknown)

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