Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bucket List versus Goals

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Do you have a bucket list?

You are probably thinking....didn't you just write about goals last week?  Isn't a goal list the same thing as a bucket list?  There are similarities between goals and a bucket list but I like to think about a bucket list being of list of life experiences that I want to accomplish.

For instance - my bucket list includes:

1)  Visit Whistler - you can read about it here:  Whistler
2)   See the Northern Lights (this goes hand in hand with a goal of visiting all 50 states but this item   is truly a life experience associated with goal.
3)  Participate in a Native American Sweat Lodge - Done
4)  Take a tour of Castles in England, Scotland and Ireland

My goals include the following:

1)  Pay off credit cards
2)  Pay for Christmas with cash
3)  Visit one new state a year

I am a firm believer that both goals and bucket lists must be written down.  They can be written in a forum much like a blog or they can be handwritten in a journal.  It really does not matter where you write it as long as you write it down.  Once you take the time to write down your thoughts...they will grow wings...and before you know by one - you can check them off!

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And the wonderful thing about bucket lists?  Matters not how many items you have on your can be 10 or 100!  You can have a bucket list for Summer, Fall and/or the Holidays!  Let your imagination run wild here!

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