Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year Y'all!

~whew- it has been such a long time since we have chatted so what a better way to chat than with a blog post?  About time...don't you think?

Let's review what has been happening this year.  First - I am so glad to say goodbye to 2016...what a year!  It was a tough one folks...really tough!  I started the year with a tear in my rotator cuff followed with 8 weeks of physical therapy...moved on to be diagnosed with a blood clot in my left leg in August and then in September - diagnosed with Graves Disease.  See why I am so happy to kiss 2016 goodbye?
In addition to having health issues - I also felt like I was on the "career roller coaster".  I wasn't sure how much longer I would have my position with my current employer but I am thankful to say that I am still holding on...not ready to be put out to pasture yet!

BUT - 2016 was not all that bad.  I did some business travel both to Chicago and to Raleigh-Durham in 2016.  I have not been back to Chicago since 2013, so it was wonderful to see the city again. that I think about it...the last 2 trips to Chicago I saw snow.  Imagine that....snow in Chicago...what are the chances of that?  In October I attended a wedding in the Colorado Rockies  *brrrrr*  it was a night wedding in the Rockies.  While there, I drove over to Estes Park and saw some snow.  Again, I ask you - what are the chances of seeing snow in the Colorado Rockies?   OOH...and while in Colorado - I drove up to Wyoming...and marked another state off my list of states to visit!  I have almost completed my bucket list of seeing all 50 states!

I have some definite goals for 2017 that include visiting at least one new state from my list!  I am also going to set a goal of blogging more often.  I may not blog each and every day but at least once a week.states!

2016 - You are now just memories some good and some great  - 2017 you are my future!

Most importantly - 2017 is going to be a very good year!  Here is wishing you and yours a wonderful 2017 as well!

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