Sunday, February 6, 2011


It has been a busy two weeks...very busy. 

Let's us not forget that I have been housebound for four days (yes 4 days) thank you Ole Man Winter.  Thank goodness I have the ability to work from home so I did not have to take vacation or personal time.  We started Tuesday with a nice ice storm.  On Friday - the ice storm was followed by 6 inches of snow.  So - we basically had 6 inches of snow on top of ice.  I discovered that it wasn't even safe to walk out to my mailbox to check the mail because my house in on a bit of an incline.  Needless to say - I did a few sliding tricks on my way to check the mail.

Then comes Saturday - sweet...sweet Saturday with the temps going up...up...up and before you know it we are in the 50's and the snow and ice is melting  *yippee*


Until Sunday - and Sunday lunch.  Considering that this city has about 100K few more people than usual (thank you Super Bowl 45) we decided to go north to lunch - the HEB area.

Not even thinking twice - I walk to the sidewalk after getting out of the car - not even noticing that the sidewalk was covered in ice.  Down I go...down and hard.  Let me tell you - that ice was COLD!

While most people might have been upset or mad at the restaurant for not taking better care of their sidewalk - I was one person full of gratitude.  I was so lucky that I didn't break anything.  I will probably be sore tomorrow but I will also be thankful that my bones are intact as of today!

It is the smallest of things to be grateful for but I am so thankful and blessed that I can find the ability to say a prayer of gratitude for this not being a serious fall.

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