Monday, June 27, 2016

Why I blog

I was recently asked why I blog.  Well, the first answer was easy!  I began the blog to document what was happening in life and to share with family and close friends - you know basically personal things that no one else but those close to me would really appreciate.

Then, a short while later I found myself changing the direction of blog due to some major work issues.  You see - the company that I was working for announced major downsizing plans.  None of us were sure who would be directly impacted by this action plan - actually - we were all touched by this plan...those who lost their jobs and those who remained behind and would absorb the work that still remained to be done but without the same number of employees to do the work.  Now it is sad enough that we were informed of this "looming" downsizing but the kicker was - it was not going to take place for another few months...which turned into roughly 6 months.

As you can imagine - the morale and the insecurity was our own worse enemy.  It was at this time that I decided to do some little something to keep all of our spirits up so it was with this major happening in my professional career that I decided to begin posting motivational and inspirational blogs.  I shared these blogs with my colleagues in hopes that it would keep them motivated.  Want to know what happened?  Not only was I helping others to remain optimistic and also led the way for me to remain upbeat and optimistic about this upcoming challenge.  There is an old saying:  "You can not light the path for another without lighting your own path".  THIS is so very true.  This blog helped not only countless others stay motivated but it also "lighted my path" to motivation as well!  For this reason alone - this blog will always be a reminder that there is light at the end of the tunnel!

 (source unknown)

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